Startup Nights 2023

2–3 Nov 2023 | Winterthur, Switzerland

Friday, 3 November 2023 | 16:00 - 16:45

Too late IP protection - missed opportunity | Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE¦IPI)

Format:In-personLocation:Workshop Room "Lion" (Hall 2)Track:Workshop
99 participants

Workshop Description:
Many start-ups lose big opportunities because they don’t protect their business or because they try to protect it too late. Avoid making this mistake!

During this workshop you will learn what kind of IP rights there are and how patents can protect your current or future business. Digital transformation, APPs, computer implemented inventions (CII), Software… are some of the central and current topics. Can they be protected and how? Examples and experiences will be discussed. And feel free to ask any question you may have regarding intellectual property protection. Our IPI experts will support you on site.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) is the federal centre of competence for patents, trade marks, geographical indications, design and copyright. Individuals and companies can register their inventions and creations with the IPI to protect them from being copied. In addition to this, the IPI informs the public about the IP rights system of protection. It also fulfils a political mandate in all areas of intellectual property in that it prepares legislation, advises the federal authorities, and represents Switzerland within international organisations and vis-à-vis other countries.

1 speaker

  • Cristina Mayor

    Patent Expert, Electrical & Telecommunication Engineering

    Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE¦IPI)