Startup Nights 2023

2–3 Nov 2023 | Winterthur, Switzerland

Friday, 3 November 2023 | 20:00 - 20:45

Start and Grow with SAP | SAP

Format:In-personLocation:Workshop Room "Lion" (Hall 2)Track:Workshop
52 participants

Workshop Description:
Exnaton (ETH Zurich spin-off) has revolutionized the local energy market together with SAP. Which market would you like to revolutionize? In this workshop we will discuss how you can launch your startup leveraging the SAP ecosystem and how SAP can support you - concrete and transparent using the example of Exnaton.

SAP was also a start-up! The company started with a group of five friends who had a big idea: the vision of a digitally connected company. 50 years later, the small, German start-up company has become one of the largest technology firms in the world and a leading global provider of business software. Since then the company has never lost its pioneering spirit. SAP remains committed to developing breakthrough solutions that improve people's lives and enables companies to become an intelligent sustainable enterprise. Make your visions come true today and get started with SAP!

2 speakers