Startup Nights 2023

2–3 Nov 2023 | Winterthur, Switzerland

Friday, 3 November 2023 | 14:30 - 14:55

Mental Health & Entrepreneurship – it's not just about Mind-Set | Blazy Flash

Format:In-personLocation:Workshop Room "Lion" (Hall 2)Track:Workshop
109 participants

Workshop Description:
Starting your own business is thrilling and exciting, but also daunting. Bluntly said: Entrepreneurship is tough.

 If you are launching a start-up and entering self-employment you find many platforms and guidelines on how to build your business. But hardly anyone gives you actual tools for the social and mental aspect of entrepreneurship.

⚡️Do you feel like standing alone on the battle-field?
⚡️ Do you doubt whether you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
⚡️ Are people telling you it won't work?
⚡️Are your business partners or even friends starting to turn their backs on you?
⚡️ Do you have thoughts about giving up?

Then this is the right workshop for you. Learn more about tools on how to cope with typical situations of entrepreneurship, especially in the area of interpersonal exchange and how to react and read human behaviour. In addition, you will learn how to master your own mind.

⚡️ It's all about transformation ⚡️

Blazy Flash:
Business development is inextricably linked with transformation. That is why you have to stay laser-focused like a blazing flash on the transformation process, which is always at the core of our work.
⚡️ It's all about transformation ⚡️
Our consulting service enables the executive management to initiate and implement development processes without losing grip of the daily business operations. Think of Blazy Flash as your personal business fitness trainer, who will challenge you to do the necessary push-ups that will lead to the business transformation you desire.

1 speaker

  • Blazy Flash

    Business Transformation Consultant | Singer & Speaker

    Blazy Flash